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Seigõ-sei Shotokan Karate           

Glasgow Dojos - SSK Glasgow Seigõ-sei Seigo-sei karate Seigo sei Glasgow Karate

About SSK SSK Seigõ-sei Seigo-sei Shotokan Karate Glasgow​

April 2019 Group Photo KUGB Championship

Seigõ-sei Shotokan Karate is a club which is formed of karateka who believe first and foremost in the importance of striving to achieve the Dojo Kun at all times - in essence, our karateka focus on the learner journeys which demonstrate integrity.


The club has two senseis who offer our students many years of experience of practising and instructing shotokan karate.  Please see our members page for a full list of students.


The club is proudly affiliated to the largest shotokan karate union in the United Kingdom; the Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB). Our KUGB page provides more information.



Our Senseis and Students 
Seigo-sei Shotokan Karate Glasgow
Chief Instructor Sensei James McGreechin
3rd Dan

Sensei Jamie McGreechin began his karate journey in the early 2000's,  training under the instruction of Sensei Pat Mclusky (5th Dan) of Traditional Shotokan Scotland" 

It wasn't long before Sensei moved on to his beloved KUGB... training under such Karate legends and KUGB stalwarts as Sensei Frank Brennan (8th Dan) and other KUGB Senior Instructors. Sensei McGreechin's journey moved on rapidly; gaining Shodan (1st Dan) in 2009 and again achieving Nidan (2nd Dan) in 2011. 

Sensei's latest achievement of Sandan (3rd Dan) was attained in 2015.

Over the years Sensei has had many Karate highlights, representing his club on numerous occasions and his ultimate highlight was representing his country at the KUGB "Grand Slam" (home internationals).


It is Sensei McGreechin's mission, as Chief Instructor of Seigõ-sei Shotokan Karate, to pass on the many positive benefits and 'riches' not only to his students but Seigõ-sei instructors alike,  bringing a standard of excellence to this proud traditional shotokan karate club.

Sensei Anne Kelly 3rd Dan

Sensei Anne Kelly first trained from 1980-1983 with the Karate Union of Scotland.

After a 20 years break in training, Sensei Anne Kelly returned to the Dojo in 2007, with the KUGB. Sensei Kelly passed her instructors exam in 2009.

Her passion for Karate, hard work and determination paid off when she achieved her goal of Shodan (1st Dan) in 2010, Nidan (2nd Dan) in 2013 and Sandan (3rd Dan) in April of 2018.

Sensei Kelly's ambition is to pass on her experience and enthusiasm for Shotokan Karate to her students, and to help build Seigõ-sei into a club with a reputation for excellence.

Go to Member's List

*Our instructors are PVG registered.

Seigo-sei Shotokan Karate Glasgow Karate (Seigõ-sei)
© Seigõ-sei Shotokan Karate Glasgow
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